An Oriental Rug

Barin Carpets: Restoration, Repairs and Cleaning

Harout Barin works with Oriental Carpets, Rugs, Kilims, Needlepoint, European Tapestries, Aubussons and all other types of flat weaves.

Whether it is through damage, wear or age. Harout Barin will provide you with a FREE estimate to repair, restore and clean your carpet, rug etc.

Cleaning an oriental carpet

The build-up of dirt is inevitable in carpets, even with regular vacuum cleaning and shaking.

Shampooing a carpet is a valid option. However, with old, expensive and valuable carpets it is advisable that any thorough cleaning process is performed by an experienced expert, this will reduce any possible damaged caused whilst cleaning, for example, colours bleeding into one another, fibres being torn or damaged.

Repairs & Restoration

Whether  carpets and rugs are worn by age or have damage such as holes for example, every effort is taken to professionally and skilfully repair the damaged or worn sections, to ensure the repairs are barely visible.

Harout Barin can advise clients on the best ways to store their items to maintain the condition for as long as possible.

If you would like to arrange for the repair, restoration or cleaning of your item, or for any advice on maintaining it, contact Barin Carpets today

An Antique Rug

For more information on the service Barin Carpets provide, please call:
020 7731 0546

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